Reseña de Prensa

" . . . the operators on field: they are the best voices to trust about the highest efficiency achieved using optical fiber. Now it is these voices’ turn to let change the mindset of airports leaders, aviation authorities and infrastructure engineering companies, because AGL monitoring and control has always been conceived as a maintenance tool, but it is indeed a matter of safety"

Debora Cazzani - Directora Marketing & Export

mira el vídeo

9 de Noviembre 2023
LinkedIn Post

¡NUEVO PRODUCTO! A r S Autonomous runway Safeguard: ¡sin radar de tierra, sin obra civil, protege los puntos calientes y los ángulos muertos en cualquier categoría de aeropuerto! ¡Cualquier aeródromo merece seguridad! ¡La más sencilla y asequible integración de todos los tiempos! l ver el vídeo

9 de Noviembre 2023
LinkedIn Post

#Sinergo Team y #mcsolutions tienen en común el mismo valor: ¡compartir conocimiento y experiencia en #interairporteurope #sustainability focus! Interesantes casos prácticos y estudios sobre cómo cualquier persona en su campo puede contribuir a la sostenibilidad #solarenergysystem #monitoringsolutions Gracias Filippo Bittante 🛫🌱

3 de Noviembre 2023
LinkedIn Post

prepárate: lo que parece el principio es en realidad el resultado de nuestro #sharingvalue
Creemos en compartir la funcionalidad con los usuarios finales y beneficiarios del proyecto: esto es lo que merece llamarse innovar #mcsolutions #innovation #aviationindustry #agl #aviationsafety

25 de Octubre 2023
LinkedIn Post

De vuelta de #InterAirport en Múnich, listos para el lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo sistema autónomo de prevención de incursiones en pista para completar el control y monitorización remota de nuestro aeródromo. . . "incurables #innovators"!!! #regionalgateway #remotetowers #mcsolutions #alcms #runwayincursionprevention

17 de Octubre 2023
LinkedIn Post

gracias a #Assolombarda, Presidente Gianni Caimi, Gigliola Santin y Director Fabio Felice Colombo por compartir nuestro entusiasmo la semana pasada en #mcsolutions. Somos conscientes de nuestra responsabilidad no sólo hacia la aviación con nuestros equipos de seguridad, sino aún más hacia nuestra comunidad, sus familias, el medio ambiente y nuestro entorno empresarial. esto es G_local... ¡este es nuestro estilo!

12 de Octubre 2023
LinkedIn Post

¡Feliz con mi brazo izquierdo y derecho en el #interairport 2023! ¡Gracias a todos nuestros visitantes, colegas y amigos que apoyan nuestro innovador ALCMS certificado para la FAA!

27 de Septiembre 2023
LinkedIn Post

Mientras esperamos nuestra exposición #interairport2023, disfrute de la nueva galería de audio y vídeo.
#mcsolutions #audiovideoservice #innovazione #evento

25 de Septiembre 2023
LinkedIn Post

Estamos a 14 días de nuestra exposición #interairport2023: le invitamos a experimentar de primera mano el control y la supervisión de las luces de los aeropuertos. No es solo un accesorio de mantenimiento, no es solo un complemento de AVL. Desde una perspectiva holística, ofrece eficiencia desde el movimiento aire-tierra-superficie y, por lo tanto, reduce el consumo innecesario de combustible, reduce el CO2, reduce el ruido, mejora la experiencia del pasajero y la capacidad del aeropuerto. Visítenos en el stand 1257 - pabellón B5! Hasta pronto 🛫 #mcsolutions #interairport2023 #esg #sustainability #netzero #interairportFOCUS

1 de Septiembre 2023
LinkedIn Post

Y al mismo tiempo que el montaje de F1, ¡aquí estamos con un "Preparados, rodando, acción" para una presentación de F2! Mi extraordinario equipo tiene mucho en común con nuestro departamento de aviación: ¡ser muy hábiles, mantener la calma, analizar y luego actuar! ¡Buen trabajo chicos y disfrutad del espectáculo! 👍 #mcsolutions #infrastrutture #f12023 #f2

5 de Septiembre 2023
LinkedIn Post

Luz verde para otra emocionante experiencia de Fórmula 1. Nuestras pasiones en un día: ¡el mundo de la aviación con la increíble actuación del #FrecceTricolori en el templo de la velocidad Autodromo Nazionale Monza gracias a nuestro fantástico equipo! #mcsolutions #aviation #f12023

31 de Agosto 2023
LinkedIn Post

Otra edición de F1 Autodromo Nazionale Monza . . casi listo para inmortalizar los espléndidos coches a 300 km/h con las flamantes cámaras de fibra óptica, la red de vídeo y el sistema de sonido de MC Solutions . ¡Faltan 3 días! ¡Permanezcan atentos y disfruten del espectáculo!🚦🚦🚦🚦#mcsolutions #f1 #f12023 #engineering #opticalfiber #infrastructure

21 de Julio 2023
LinkedIn Post

La mejor manera de empezar la temporada de carreras: #WEC FIA Endurance World Championship. Las 6 horas de Monza significaron para nosotros: himno en pista, gestión de audio del concierto, audio y vídeo de la sala de prensa, sala de control. Momentos emocionantes . . . ¡prepárate para el GP en el "Templo de la Velocidad"! #MCSolutions #audiovideo #audiovideoinstallation #eventos

11 Julio 2023
LinkedIn Post

Nuevo encargo para MC Solutions: sistema de control remoto y supervisión de luces, sincronización de la secuencia de destellos de aproximación mediante enlace de radio, integrado en el ALCMS. El escenario es nuestra bella Italia, con una particular aproximación curva sobre las colinas circundantes.

26 de Mayo 2023
LinkedIn Post

Gracias a ENAC - Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile (Ente Nacional de Aviación Civil) en particular al Ing. Luca Sandro por organizar la visita de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional VAWG21, a SAVE S.p.A. en particular al Ing. Corrado Fischer con su equipo Técnico y de Seguridad, y al personal eléctrico de la zona de operaciones que apoyó nuestra "invasión de campo" en la zona de deshielo. #mcsolutions #aviationindustry #airportoperations #airportssafety #icao #agl #passengerexperience #visualaids

23 de Mayo 2023
LinkedIn Post

Nos vemos mañana en Venecia y gracias al Grupo de Trabajo de Ayudas Visuales de la OACI por acogernos. ¡Gracias a ENAC por organizar este importante momento de compartir! #icao #enac #vawg #mcsolutions #visualaids

17 de Mayo 2023
LinkedIn Post

La eficiencia de la zona de operaciones tiene un gran impacto en la experiencia del pasajero, tanto antes del despegue como después del aterrizaje. El control y la supervisión eficientes de las luces de pista contribuyen en gran medida a la fluidez de los movimientos y a la seguridad en tierra. #gestióndeaeropuertos #pasajerexperiencia

27 de Abril 2023
LinkedIn Post

Aquí estamos: ahora en la lista de fabricantes aprobados por la FAA.

¡Página 52!

19 de Abril 2023
LinkedIn Post

Experimente de primera mano la Torre de Control con nuestro sistema de control remoto certificado por la FAA.
visítenos en Airport Show Dubai 2023
¡DWTC stand s1600!

4 de Abril 2023
LinkedIn Post

Tras la patente italiana, la patente europea y la certificación FAA L-890, se ha alcanzado otro hito: la PATENTE estadounidense del sistema de monitoreo y control de MC Solutions. ¡Únase a nosotros en el camino hacia el éxito y elija ahora una innovación que perdure e impulse su aeropuerto hacia el futuro!

29 de Marzo 2023
LinkedIn Post

MC Solutions anuncia la certificación FAA L-890 del sistema de control remoto y monitoreo AVL de Nivel 1 al más alto Nivel 4 Tipo D - SMGCS listo.

¡1 º en Italia | 1 º en Europa entre los 5 players mundiales!

1 de Marzo 2023
LinkedIn Post

Gracias al Aeropuerto Corrado Gex y a la Región del Valle de Aosta: una vez más, el Aeropuerto de Aosta confía en MC Solutions para actualizar el sistema de control remoto de Luminous Visual Aids, incluyendo la gestión de la iluminación y el control remoto del Helipuerto.
ALTO RENDIMIENTO a ALTA ALTITUD en el umbral del espectacular panorama alpino. (imagen cortesía de AVDA).

9 de Enero 2023
LinkedIn Post

¿Necesita innovación para la renovación de aeropuertos? ¿Busca soluciones de tecnología de monitoreo y control AVL nuevas, preinstaladas, patentadas y energéticamente eficientes? Confíe en profesionales expertos: ¡confíe en MC Solutions Italy! Encontrará el mejor soporte de hardware y software a medida de sus necesidades.

22 de Noviembre 2022
LinkedIn Post

Gracias SEA Aeropuertos de Milán - ¡Gracias a todos los participantes en el Observatorio del Mantenimiento del 16 de noviembre! Siempre es interesante compartir los proyectos, los resultados del trabajo de cada uno, el trabajo duro, pero también la satisfacción!

3 de Noviembre 2022
LinkedIn Post

Monitoreo y control AVL por fibra óptica: la innovación que reduce el mantenimiento y el impacto medioambiental. ¿Cómo? En la 20ª Conferencia del Observatorio del Mantenimiento presentaremos los datos recogidos en tres años de funcionamiento, no se lo pierda el 16 de noviembre en MXP | T 1

3 de Agosto 2022
Il Sole 24 ORE

En un momento en el que el tamaño y el poder económico son el arma competitiva más eficaz en el mercado, "lo pequeño es hermoso" es un concepto que no está de moda, y la atención de las finanzas y las instituciones se centra en las empresas de nueva creación y las incubadoras, la historia de MC Solutions despierta interés. Porque es una pequeña empresa familiar de Brianza de diez personas, fundada por un piloto-arquímedes que ... [lea el artículo en inglés]

29th de Julio 2022
LinkedIn Post

Aquí estamos con otro episodio de nuestra serie Colegas con talento. ¡Es el turno de nuestro Stefano Quagliarella, apasionado astrofotógrafo con este hermoso trozo de Universo! Marzo 2022, Sormano, Italia: Cabeza de Caballo y Nebulosa de la Llama en el Cinturón de Orión captadas con 200 fotos apilados.

7 de Julio 2022
LinkedIn Post

part 2 GALF conference Dubai 2022 - Power line was born 30 years ago: it is time to change! The 3-year survey proof optical fiber comm works! 3450 optical connectors: 0 failure, 1725 optical fiber monitoring modules 2% failure; 6000 optical fiber segments: not a single failure! Advantages: no useless spare parts, low fixed maintenance costs, easy operations
efficiency reducing night operations, decrease in energy consumption. What are you waiting for? watch the video!

29th June 2022
LinkedIn Post

Self sustaining infrastructure is the future of AGL monitoring and control, limiting maintenance fixed costs.
Power line communication technology was born 30 years ago and does not deliver the safety required by AGL monitoring...The airport is like an orchestra the video!

26 de Mayo 2022
LinkedIn Post

A brand-new artistic touch by our colleague Francesca Bucci proudly displayed in our meeting room! MC Solutions is glad to do an homage to the most famous skyscrapers all over the world: symbol of the desire to reach always higher goals in personal and professional life. A special homage #burjkhalifa in Dubai that recently welcomed us #Airportshow

19 de Mayo 2022
LinkedIn Post

thanks to all our visitors and friends! A special thank to the founder of our company that has shared with us the special stage Airport Show Dubai

11 de Mayo 2022
LinkedIn Post

Why accept downtime in remote monitoring and control of AGL? Complete and exhaustive analysis of the infrastructure of the future already existing, installed and available: reduced maintenance fixed costs, reduced energy consumption, delivering efficient operations and flexible design. Enlighten your vision and sustain the hub traffic capacity increase without leaning on passenger's flow incomes. #future #infrastructure #maintenance #airportoperations #airports #aviationindustry ask for the white paper!

9 de Mayo 2022
LinkedIn Post

Glad and honored to participate in the panel discussion of the 17th May: Airport Innovation and Development! Conference Room A at 1.30 pm. Thanks to the moderator Orkun Altintas and to the Illustrious Colleagues

4 de Mayo 2022
LinkedIn Post

Meet us at Dubai AirportShow | 17-19 May | Stand 2007.
Discover our integrable solutions for a reliable data collection on airfield! #airports #aviationindustry #mcsolutions #midweekpost #agl #rxevents #dubaiairportshow2022

13 de Abril 2022
LinkedIn Post

Are you ready? We are! #theairportshow Dubai | 17-19th May 2022 | Stand 2007 | Hall 2 thanks to the RX Global for this thrilling intro, waiting to welcome you there! watch the full video #midweekpost #mcsolutions #aviationindustry #agl #monitoring #dubai

6 de Abril 2022
LinkedIn Post

To deliver High Tech solutions MC renew its LAB with cutting-edge rework station: SMD and THT soldering, ranging from simple chips, such as 0603 packages, to more advanced LQFP ICs. It is equipped with a IPC compliant microscope to analyze every joint on the PCB #tech #aviationindustry #enginnering #airportdesign #airports #custom #customelectronics #midweekpost #mcsolutions

24 de Marzo 2022
LinkedIn Post

Operational Efficiency reducing Maintenance fixed costs + Reducing unnecessary fuel burn on ground = MIA System ALCMS | ASMGCS #maintenance #netzeroemissions #safety #aviationindustry #agl #aviationpros

23 de Febrero 2022
LinkedIn Post

Digital transition brings along tangible benefits and savings when it becomes a transformation. AGL data collection and remote control with optical fiber communication grants safety, efficiency and low maintenance fixed costs. These are the key performance indicators of the infrastructures of the future. We can support you to reach these goals! #maintenance #digital #aviationindustry #agl #airportoperations #airfield #data #safety #digitalisation #midweekpost

17 de Febrero 2022
LinkedIn Post

with a certified and patented instrument LTC Lamp Time Control we can support you in certifying the response time to send the alarm for burnt lamp to Tower. We can test any kind of monitoring technology.
Watch the full Video on our youtube channel: #technology #midweekpost #airportoperations #airports #maintenance #agl #safety #aviationindustry

2 de Febrero 2022
LinkedIn Post

MC Solutions announces the beginning of its journey towards a sustainable development, not just engineering low consumption devices. The first step is sharing the vision of a development grounded on the three pillars of sustainable development with our team first and then working on continuous improvements following the green! Thanks to Snam S.p.A. for inviting us joining

26 de Enero 2022
LinkedIn Post

AGL monitoring belongs to safety scope, right? In a building, would you power your fire prevention system on the same circuit of other services? Is your phone or internet connection on power line? Well, once we all agree that we are in the XXI century, we can go forward adding compliances to common sense. Last but not least the GRF on data quality: ADR.OPS.B030 8 (SMGCS) - A.035.Data transferred without corruption | Fully automated process. A.040/050.. #safety #data #airportoperations #airportssafety #airportoperations #airportmanagement #midweekpost #airports

7 de Diciembre 2021
LinkedIn Post

Necessarily we are all focused on preventing new variants diffusion, but we cannot solve the problem by simply cancelling flights and closing borders. Airplanes are made to fly, to connect people, to discover new places, to understand and respect different cultures, to open our minds.
By definition the aviation actors are innovators directing their eyes towards innovation, efficiency delivered through new technologies. Anyone of us plays a key role: Mc Solutions founds its role on airfield supporting customers to keep high safety standards on AGL remote control and monitoring. Safety and sustainability are elements of the same formula: delivering an infrastructure with near-0-maintenance costs, saving energy consumption and offering LTO efficiency increasing airport capacity and fluidity on ground movements. #aviation #innovation #sustainability #aviationindustry #infrastructure #maintenance #safety #sustainability #Netzero #decarbonisation #energy #InternationalCivilAviationDay

22 de Noviembre 2021
LinkedIn Post

Thrill goes on the stage again with our tremendous Audio and Video Service team! great moments thanks to Autodromo Nazionale Monza FIA World Rally Championship and to the public! #datatransmission #innovation

17 de Noviembre 2021
LinkedIn Post

We are very glad to share with you the Innovation Award moments at Interairport Europe! Watch the video excerpt on our Youtube channel and the inter airport Europe winners video

13 de Noviembre 2021
LinkedIn Post

You missed our presentation? Here it is "shaping runway recovery: Innovative Design & Digitalisation on field"

10 de Noviembre 2021
LinkedIn Post

The best way to inaugurate our MC Solutions Page: inter airport Europe Innovation Award in the category Data/Digitalisation: celebrate with us! #innovationawards #mcsolutions #aglife #airportoperations #airports #aviationindustry

12 de Octubre 2021
LinkedIn Post

Vote MC Solutions at the inter airport Europe Innovation Awards 2021!
Choose your Digitalisation and Sustainability Hero! Vote!

6 de Octubre 2021
LinkedIn Post

Alarm in 0.7 seconds: interrogating 1725 monitoring modules simultaneously, receiving feedback from lights, calculating percentage of consecutive burnt lamps...more than redundant. This is efficiency, this is safety!

5 de Octubre 2021
LinkedIn Post

Alarm in 0.7 seconds: interrogating 1725 monitoring modules simultaneously, receiving feedback from lights, calculating percentage of consecutive burnt lamps...more than redundant. This is efficiency, this is safety! Discover the new category Airport Suppliers ALCMS

24 de Septiembre 2021
LinkedIn Post

Digital Transition? Yes | Remote Towers? Yes | Green? Yes | Innovative? Yes! we are ready for #runwayrecovery and you?

15 de Septiembre 2021
LinkedIn Post

Airport Solutions division and Audio&Video service team...what do they have in common? Optical Fiber data transmission and ... Dedication! Thanks to MC Solution team for their commitment working under pressure, both on airfield and on track. Well done guys!

15 de Septiembre 2021
LinkedIn Post

After 20 Grand Prix at Monza, this one has a special taste: the F1 pilots in front of their public and our Olympic Champions. They are all Athletes that we admire for their sense of sacrifice and dedication. Thanks to @AlexanderMolina and to Verity Waple that gave MC Solutions Audio&Video service team the opportunity to do a great job and to feel the emotion of the public once again on the grandstands! Have a look to our Audio & Video service page

25 de Aosto 2021
LinkedIn Post

Digitalization on airfields too: MIA System is the answer to the ramp up and recovery projects. Efficient ALCMS, with certified response time, is able to control the AGL from remote control towers.
We are ready to restart, and you?

21 de Julio 2021
LinkedIn Post

Celebrate with us another patent: LTC Lamp Time Control measures the timing compliance of your AGL monitoring to ICAO/EASA/FAA for burnt lamp detection. MC Solutions is ready to offer you this special ramp up service: discover more on our channel

8 de Julio 2021
LinkedIn Post

+ 99°C + 80.7 Humidity rate + operating with not a single data package lost: MC Solutions continuous commitment in research & development. We are ready for the most severe environment, all over the world!

21 de Junio 2021
LinkedIn Post

we are glad to share with you the tender adjudication for another Military Airport AGL Remote Control: the confirmation that our tailored solutions fit the military sector once again!

31 de Mayo 2021
LinkedIn Post

A new dawn for MC Solutions and for the aviation community. Several titles came to my mind and each one of them was the perfect one to describe my last days in Dubai. Enriching professional and personal experience. Cosmopolitan city: each vista is astonishing, each piece of skyline is impressive, every person we met was welcoming and appreciated our presence since travelling is still a bit complicated. So, it is time to thank all our visitors, the excellent team at Airport Show, the @GlobalAirportLeader'sForum for inviting me as panelist together with experienced professionals and Stephen Seddon for being our moderator. It has been an honour joining the @GALF.

31 de Mayo 2021
LinkedIn Post

We thank all our visitors and the extraordinary Dubai!

21 de Mayo 2021
LinkedIn Post

Check your ALCMS performance: is the responsiveness compliant with International Standards? LTC Lamp Time Control is the instrument certified by an independent body engineered to measure the burnt lamp detection time. Compatible with all kinds of ALCMS!

Mayo 2021
News Release

AGL monitoring: the perfect formula lands at DXB.
Global Aviation Leaders' Forum.

24th May 2021 - GALF - ATC Forum

18 de Mayo 2021
LinkedIn Post

Our latest publication on Aviation Business Middle East: "How Efficiency can aid Airport Recoveries". See you soon in Dubai!

5 de Mayo 2021
LinkedIn Post

MC SOLUTIONS unveils its brand new web site, dressed up at its best waiting the Airportshow. New content, new design, new services available. Catch a glimpse!

30 de Abril 2021
Post LinkedIn

we support airports delivering EFFICIENCY through INNOVATIVE and GREEN projects. Visit us at The AIRPORTSHOW Dubai from 24th to 26th May - Book your meeting or just pop up to see at stand 8007... LIVE!

21 de Abril 2021
Aviation Business

Powerline Communication ‘Is Obsolete Tech For Airport Ground Lighting Control’
read Aviation Business – Technology section

14 de Abril 2021
Post LinkedIn

It does not matter your airport CAT or aerodrome size: custom developed A-LCMS, tailored monitoring and control. Let's meet!

8 de Abril 2021
Post LinkedIn

To meet our customers’ needs: New Engineering, Smaller case, simple installation and Low Consumption! Here is the new monitoring module MCLO to easily fit in crowded manholes!

30 de Marzo 2021
Aviation Business Middle East - A bright Idea

An Italian aviation duo have combined to develop a runway lighting control innovation that saves costs and helps operators meet their decarbonisation targets.

22 de Marzo 2021
ACI Europe insights blog

Time to look at the future with new eyes

Some decades ago, I was sitting in a university lecture hall and one of the lessons that I won’t ever forget was about market reaction in moment of crisis: a company must invest and institutions must incentivize research and development.....

10 de Marzo 2021
Post LinkedIn

Airport Council International Europe ACI hosts our communications’ activities: read our press release in the section World Business Partner press release @WBPpress release

3 de Marzo 2021
Post LinkedIn - Patented!

Celebrate with us the proof of a real Innovation: first achievement in our Country and the rest of the world is just around the corner!

11 de Febrero 2021
Post LinkedIn

INNOVATE & FOLLOW THE GREEN! We are ready to support Airports developing innovative and green projects for AGL remote monitoring and control: safe, efficient, sustainable and with the lowest fixed costs for maintenance!

13 de Enero 2021
Aviation Business Middle East - Lighting up the Future

A good beginning for this new year that MC Solutions expects to be full of news & satisfactions: so don’t miss the publication on the prestigious magazine Aviation Business ME and the latest news in the online technology section

1 de Enero 2021
Bright 2021

24 de Diciembre 2020
Post LinkedIn

Each single ice crystal is unique: we wish you to feel the uniqueness of each simple and joyful moment!

8 de Diciembre 2020
LinkedIn Post

Thanks to World Rally Championship WRC and ACI Rally Monza: a challenge against time, thrilling itineraries and moments full of emotions for MC Solutions team as well!

4 de Diciembre 2020
Post LinkedIn

Maurizio & Debora welcomes you to Digital Airportshow Dubai!

19 de Noviembre 2020
Post LinkedIn

Looking at a global market, MC Solutions announces its new product: UNI-CONV interface to communicate with LONWORKS protocol. With this new device the product range is ready for a worldwide offer, for Hyper Efficiency and Hyper Integration: talking in Lonworks, RS485, RS232, J-BUS, MOD-BUS.

11 de Noviembre 2020
Post LinkedIn

The real innovation is not communicating from airfield to workstations or from runway incursion on optical fiber. REAL & INSTALLED INNOVATION is monitoring and controlling modules, one after another with optical fiber, commanding 50 RWY INCURSION sensors and stopbar light in a CAT III B Airport! Discover more on our Youtube channel!

4 de Noviembre 2020
Post LinkedIn

MIA System is too fast in communicating alarms could we use just a stopwatch to detect a timing of MILLISECONDS? This is the way we engineered and manufactured LTC Lamp Time Control: compatible with any kind of standard FAA/ICAO light and ALCMS.

2 de Octubre 2020
LinkedIn Post

After ENAC testing, we finally received the recognition of our hard work: 1600 Optical Fiber monitoring Modules, 50 Runway Incursion Sensors, with the exceptional result far beyond EASA standards. 0,7 Seconds:
time to alarm tower for the burnt lamp percentage alert on stopbar lights!

30 de Septiembre 2020
LinkedIn Post

MC SOLUTIONS new certified instrument and patent pending: LTC Lamp Time Control to check the performance on any kind of AGL plant, lights or ALCMS.
Do not miss the editorial of Airside - Autumn Issue 2020. Want to discover more? Register to our Webinar 14th Oct 2020

Download the pdf

16 de Septiembre 2020
LinkedIn Post

Discover full product range: field devices and agl monitoring&control MIA SYSTEM on MC SOLUTIONS new international showcase 

9 de Septiembre 2020
LinkedIn Post

You can choose several new monitoring solutions, but every one of them is based on powerline communication. Choose the future of AGL monitoring & control: choose optical fiber communication! Still doubts when even your house net goes on optical fiber?

7 de Septiembre 2020
LinkedIn Post

Behind the masks the satisfaction for another Formula 1 edition in Monza: data and high-quality video transmission.

29 de Julio 2020
LinkedIn Post

Thanks to our team for its great job: being a certified quality company is not just working in compliance with procedures, but most of all means having a quality mindset to deliver our customers the best satisfaction we can.

Julio 2020

8 de Julio 2020
LinkedIn Post

Purpose of FAA L-890 par. 1: no matter how many operations you cater in a day, the ALCMS simplifies AGL management and enhances airport safety. MIA SYSTEM is the ALCMS that can grant you safety, reliability and efficiency. The modularity of MIA lets us tailor the system from type A to type D, from control only up to SMGCS.
#midweekpost #airport #aviationindustry #aviationsafety

1 de Julio 2020
LinkedIn Post

We are glad to share with you among our references another Military Airport with MIA SYSTEM!
#midweekpost #aviationsafety #airportoperations #airport

24 de Junio 2020
LinkedIn Post

Full product range for AGL primary & aux services monitoring-control on optical fiber, FAA compliant, EASA compliant, high tech, low consumption, reliable, tested and installed.
#midweekpost #aviationmaintenance #aviationindustry #constructionprojects #airfield

17 de Junio 2020
LinkedIn Post

#reliable #midweekpost

3 de Junio 2020
LinkedIn Post

Here is our work progress, at open airport, in our most complete CAT III B remote monitoring and control MIA SYSTEM. This is the right moment to consider a rehab plan for a safer and cost efficient technology that will last for the next 30 years: to be prepared for the future with a renovated airfield!

27 de Mayo 2020
LinkedIn Post

Reliable Hw + tailored Sw = MIA SYSTEM for an ALCMS FAA L890 compliant.

20 de Mayo 2020
LinkedIn Post

Data flow is nothing without its smart management! We've developed a simulation program that allows you to simulate alarms and possible anomalies stressing directly the devices already installed on the airfield. It is a precious tool to train operators and to manage the taxiway viability in a context of Rehab in progress, changing easily the routes and preserving the airport operativity.

13 de Mayo 2020
LinkedIn Post

Construction savings on AGL plants with MCLO module and MIA SYSTEM


6 de Mayo 2020
LinkedIn Post

25 de Marzo 2020
LinkedIn Post

MC SOLUTIONS thanks for support and encouragement received from all over the world, wishing everyone to come back soon to a reality that is far beyond our greatest expectations!

4 de Marzo 2020
LinkedIn Post

Are you sure about the burnt lamp detection time of your AGL monitoring? Check the safety performance of Your monitoring system! Here is LTC certified instrument: engineered and manufactured by MC SOLUTIONS - accuracy 1 millisecond on 1 sec, immune to human reactivity time, suitable to whichever monitoring manufacturer, immediately printed report.

26 de Febrero 2020
LinkedIn Post

Still convinced that powerline comm is the right technology to monitor AGL? #midweekpost

19 de Febrero 2020
LinkedIn Post

High Tech in Airfield Ground Lighting monitoring and control with Optical Fiber: amazing MIA

12 de Febrero 2020
LinkedIn Post

Green Airport: MC SOLUTIONS' devices do their part! Low Consumption: MCLO 1Watt; MCLO-P 0,7Watt; CDU 15Watt; GPI 1Watt.

5 de Febrero 2020
LinkedIn Post

Continuous Runway Incursion false alarms? Safety is an issue and CDU is the way forward! Crossing Detection Unit based on MAGNETIC LOOP TECH.
NO interference | NO weather or animals issues | NO maintenance | NO calibration | improved with Optical Fiber data comm. | IP68
NOW available the new model performing independent STOP BAR and LEAD ON lights control
more than 50 units Installed, tested and Improved

29 de Enero 2020
LinkedIn Post

Are you designing a new plant? Wondering how to change an existing powerline comm. system with a performing optical fiber light monitoring and control? With new MCLO “P” model you just need a special optical fiber cable for data comm. and power will be supplied through AGL circuit.
Consumption just 1 watt each module
Fault tolerance
1 sec ON/OFF command feedback
1 sec burnt lamp feedback 

22 de Enero 2020
LinkedIn Post

Tired to wait long minutes for a runway direction change? MCLO does it in a couple of seconds! Tired to wait for AGL feedback? MCLO gives it in 1,2 sec ! Leave behind powerline communication and discover MC innovative optical fiber module worldwide patent pending! Safety and efficiency in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance.......A-SMGCS

29 de Enero 2020
LinkedIn Post

Are you designing a new plant? Wondering how to change an existing powerline comm. system with a performing optical fiber light monitoring and control? With new MCLO “P” model you just need a special optical fiber cable for data comm. and power will be supplied through AGL circuit.
Consumption just 1 watt each module
Fault tolerance
1 sec ON/OFF command feedback
1 sec burnt lamp feedback 

5 de Diciembre 2019
MC conference during Digitalization Seminar - Inter Airport Europe 2019

JP4 Aeronautica e Spazio (Aeronautics and Space - Ed.) monthly magazine recognizes the interest that MC SOLUTIONS conference generated in occasion of the Digitalization Seminar hold at Inter Airport Europe 2019.
As the journalists wrote: MC Solutions “deserves a particular mention because this conference has given prestige to the Italian enterprises and acknowledges the technological development that our industry can offer […]”
Enjoy the reading!

20 de Noviembre 2019
MC SOLUTIONS catches the attention of the international airfield community

We are honored that MC Module based on fiber optic technology has been selected by the editor of Airside International in the context of the focus on Inter Airport Europe 2019.

And we are of course glad to have been introduced by the editor with these words: [omitted] tool to maximise airside efficiency and minimise the time an aircraft spends on the ground between landing and its next scheduled take-off. […]

Click the link to read the full article and follow us towards a new mindset, a new technology to MONITOR and CONTROL LIGHTING VISUAL AIDS on runway and taxyway!

13 de Noviembre 2019
MC SOLUTIONS YouTube channel enriches of new contents: watch what happens behind the scenes!

CCR connection to MIA System

MCLO LVA Optical Fiber Monitoring

21 de Octubre 2019
Inter Airport Europe 2019

MC SOLUTIONS thanks all visitors and participants to the seminar entitled “Safety and Efficiency Coexisting”.
We would like to thank You because exhibiting at an international fair such as IAE 2019 has meant to our company, not only the occasion to introduce ourselves to the airport’s world, but most of all has been an opportunity of growth and awareness.
Meeting the operator of this sector has been a precious moment to gather the needs of the post holders, the diverse peculiarity belonging to different geographic areas that are far from our one and the features that are considered as a plus.
Thanks for this mutual enrichment! 

11 de Octubre 2019
Venice Airport: a reality of Excellence

MC SOLUTIONS celebrates the end of the first successful Inter Airport 2019 and in the meantime its Team proudly announces:
- 1000 modules with new optical fiber tech for airfield lights’ control at Marco Polo Venice Airport
- 100 for a total planned of 160 CCR interfaces with MIA system remote control
- 8 for a total planned of 52 runway incursion detection systems

6 de Septiembre 2019
Inter airport Europe 2019
Digitalization Seminar

MC Solutions is proud to announce to the International Airport Technologies world MIA SYSTEM: successfully developed and installed in several main Italian airports.
The results, that have gone beyond our customers’ expectations in terms of safety and reliability, have proven the perfect integration of MIA System on multiple levels, in full compliance with the latest EASA regulations.
In occasion of the 22nd Inter Airport Europe 2019 edition, on the day dedicated to
“The latest digital developments in fueling technology, airfield lighting and diagnostics”
MC Solutions invites You
10th October h 11.30 Hall C6
to participate at the presentation seminar of MIA System and the innovative Optical Fiber structure.  

4 de Septiembre 2019
MC SOLUTIONS is on YouTube!

In view of the first participation to IAE 2019 and in an integrated communication plan, MC Solutions could not miss the YouTube international showcase.
In MC Solutions High Tech business, it is even more necessary a video communication tool through which our activities can be clarified: first of all, in the airport sector and then in the other fields with an amazing Corporate Video
Enjoy and keep you posted for the upcoming new contents! 

Prensa y Asociaciones


Arside International
Aviation Business Middle East
JP4 Aeronautica e Spazio
Tech Drive
Regional Gateway

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